  • Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3)
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Expo Golf Villas
Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3)

Villas for sale in Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3)

  • 4 Bedroom Villa for Sale in Dubai South, Dubai - Image 09. jpg
    on 2nd of June 2024



    2,553 sqft

    Payment Plan | Corner | Biggest Plot 3,800 Sq Ft

    Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3), Expo Golf Villas, Emaar South, Dubai South, Dubai

    Agent last visited this property on 2nd of June
    Sisu Real Estate
  • 3 Bedroom Villa for Sale in Dubai South, Dubai - 05788f7a-b16a-41f8-98d4-d2d2c8d39637. jpg



    1,990 sqft

    Prime Location | Bright and Spacious Unit

    Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3), Expo Golf Villas, Emaar South, Dubai South, Dubai

    Property authenticity was validated on 14th of June
    A K W Real Estate
  • 3 Bedroom Villa for Sale in Dubai South, Dubai - Image 07. jpg



    1,944 sqft

    Single Row | Best Location | Tenanted

    Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3), Expo Golf Villas, Emaar South, Dubai South, Dubai

    Property authenticity was validated on 13th of June
    Sisu Real Estate
  • Card
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  • 4 Bedroom Villa for Sale in Dubai South, Dubai - Image 21. jpg



    2,553 sqft

    Payment Plan | Single Row | Landscaped

    Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3), Expo Golf Villas, Emaar South, Dubai South, Dubai

    Property authenticity was validated on 12th of June
    Sisu Real Estate
  • 4 Bedroom Villa for Sale in Dubai South, Dubai - 4 bed plus maid for sell



    2,542 sqft

    4 bed plus maid for sell

    Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3), Expo Golf Villas, Emaar South, Dubai South, Dubai

    A L M I R Real Estate

FAQs about villas for sale in Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3)

How do prices of homes vary in Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3)?

The listed price of a villa for sale in Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3) varies from AED 1,999,999 to AED 3,100,000.

What is the current number of villas listed for sale in Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3)?

Bayut has 5 villas available for sale in Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3).

What is the average asking price of a villa in Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3)?

The average price of villas listed for sale in Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3) is AED 2,091,812. These asking prices may vary depending on the property’s size, type, condition and location.

Has the asking sale price changed for houses available in Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3)?

The asking price for villas in Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3) has witnessed a change of +8%. This change in price over the past 6 months can be due to changes in market dynamics and new developments.

Which schooling options are available near Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3)?

Worth-considering schooling options near Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3) include the following:

  • Greenfield International School
  • The International School of Choueifat DIP
  • Dove Green Private School

What are the closest nurseries to Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3)?

The following can be your top choices when looking for nurseries:

  • Tappy Toes Nursery
  • Chubby Cheeks Nursery
  • British Orchard Nursery DIP

What return on investment do villas in Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3) offer?

Villas in Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3) can yield an ROI of 5.73%. Potential ROI can be influenced by factors such as property's type, location, amenities and changing market dynamics.

What are the popular neighborhoods close to Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3) for buying villas?

While Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3) can be considered when looking to purchase a villa, the following neighborhoods are worth-considering as well:

  • Dubailand
  • DAMAC Hills
  • Jumeirah Village Circle (JVC)

Which real estate agencies have the highest listings of houses for sale in Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3)?

For agencies leading with the highest number of villas advertised in Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3), check out the following:

  • Sisu Real Estate
  • A L M I R Real Estate
  • A K W Real Estate

How many sales were recorded for villas in Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3) recently?

In the past 12 months, a total of 119 villas were bought in Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3).

What is the average selling price for villas in Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3)?

The average sale price for houses stands at AED 1,749,224. The prices of some villas can go lower or higher than average based on the size, conditions, location, etc. 

Did the price for a villa in Expo Golf Villas 3 (Parkside 3) experience any changes?

Sales transaction trends indicate a change of +3% according to DLD. Change can be due to various factors such as prevailing market conditions and nearby developments.